MS Panther News
Our students are making headlines, and we want to share all the great news with you. We will keep this page updated with important announcements, news stories, and student shout outs. Please check in often and help us celebrate our students’ many achievements.
Our 8th grade students will be going on a college tour! On Wednesday, March 5 and on Thursday, March 6, 8th graders will be on IU Columbus' campus learning about programs, extracurricular activities, athletics, and everything IUC has to offer right in Columbus. The cost is $5 to pay for transportation. If there are any difficulties paying this, please let the Guidance Office know.
Students will begin the third round of ILEARN checkpoint testing on Tuesday, February 18. Students will test in their language arts and math classes. Each checkpoint has 20 to 25 questions and will show how your child is doing in key skills and concepts from the Indiana academic standards. The testing schedule is as follows.
- Tuesday, February 18: Language Arts
- Wednesday, February 19: Language Arts
- Thursday, February 20: Math
- Friday, February 21: Math